The number of legal disputes over children almost doubled in January as Christmas and the recession combined to increase tensions between divorced parents, figures have revealed. via Number of family law disputes in January much greater than expected | The …

Number of family law disputes in January much greater than expected Read more »

A Sacramento State sociology professor is conducting a video research project about the increase in couples married longer than 40 years to present to his Changing American Family class in the fall. via The State Hornet - Sociology professor studies …

Sociology professor studies long-lasting relationships Read more »

It's only natural to fall in love and marry. But the love can die. Thanks in part to the rising incidence of divorce coupled with the rising population of lawyers in Israel, competition between lawyers specializing in family law and …

'He'll walk out of court naked as a jaybird': Lies lawyers tell Read more »

Divorce is often thought of as a drawn-out, expensive courtroom battle, but it doesn't have to be that way. An uncontested divorce offers couples an affordable, timely way to avoid the expense and drama of a contested divorce. via Press …

Uncontested Divorce: When Is It Appropriate? Read more »

Can you really improve your marriage? Is it risky to try? One wife takes her husband through the world of marriage therapies. via NYT - Married Happily With Issues - An insightful article.   One option couples can also explore …

Married Happily With Issues Read more »

Paul McCartney and Alec Baldwin had no prenuptial agreements. Perhaps they thought that having a prenuptial agreement was not romantic. But there was nothing romantic about the bitter court battles they had to endure, either. Prenuptial agreements, commonly known as …

Sign at the Dotted Line Read more »

The Pennsylvania Superior Court has overturned a 25-year-old legal precedent that presented gay parents with an added obstacle in child-custody cases. On Jan. 21, the court struck down the “special evidentiary presumption” instituted by a 1985 Supreme Court panel decision …

Pa court makes landmark custody ruling Read more »

New research suggests that when a home’s value falls below 75 percent of the amount owed on the mortgage, the owner starts to think hard about walking away, even if he or she has the money to keep paying. via …

As Values Slide, More Weigh Walking Away From Mortgages Read more »

It is no surprise that financial issues are among the most contentious in divorce actions. The financial aspects associated with marital disputes and dissolution are often complex and consume most of the effort and attention of the parties. Forensic accountants …

The Role Of Forensic Accountants In Divorce Engagements Read more »

Affairs of the heart that play out via electronic media such as Facebook and Twitter are increasingly landing in court, via Tweeting their way to divorce court -