Printer ink has replaced the ink from fountain pens in official county marriage records, and the institution of marriage is apparently changing as well. According to the National Marriage Project’s “State of Our Unions” December report, the marriage rate in …

Couples increasingly choosing cohabitation over marriage Read more »

Is Your Precious Pet Derailing Your Human Relationships? You May Want to Reconsider Who Your Best Friend Really Is. Kicking the Dog Out of Bed -

Across the nation, lawyers and angry spouses are finding the Internet is a gold mine for evidence in divorce, child custody and protection cases. via Accusations of inappropriate pictures show how Internet is changing divorces» Naples Daily News.

Economic View - Will More Borrowers Walk Away From Their Mortgages? - This article takes a very interesting look at why more people aren't walking away from their mortgages even though their homes may now be worth half  of  …

Economic View - Will More Borrowers Walk Away From Their Mortgages? Read more »

Divorce courts may be thing of the past under radical overhaul of family justice - Times Online. The UK is looking to radically modify it's domestic relations court system, as noted in this article, with mediation taking a prominent role.  …

Divorce courts may be thing of the past under radical overhaul of family justice Read more »

The Marriage Lasted 10 Years. The Lawsuits? 13 Years, and Counting. - New York Times. An article which attests to why parties should seek mediation and why you don't want to leave important decisions up to a judge who may …

The Marriage Lasted 10 Years. The Lawsuits? 13 Years, and Counting Read more »

A great excerpt from the book The Good Karma Divorce written by Judge Michele Lowrance may be found here. The book is written by a domestic relations (ie. family law) judge in Illinois and offers her insight as to how …

Michele Lowrance Offers a Guide to Help People Achieve an Amicable Divorce Read more »

Divorce rate set to rocket | Moneywise. Divorce rates in the UK are expected to skyrocket this month.  This trend isn't exclusive to the UK however, expect a similar increase in the US divorce rate, especially as the economy recovers.

An interesting article by W. Bradford Wilcox on whether the current state of the economy can save marriages can be found here. The article notes: But there may be a silver lining in all this financial pain. For most married …

Can the Recession Save Marriage? Read more »

Mediate Michigan LLC wants you to give the gift of peace this holiday season. We are pleased to announce that you can now purchase instant gift certificates good toward any of our mediation services.  Certificates may be purchased in increments …

Give the Gift of Peace this holiday season Read more »