Last year there were approximately five million stay-at-home moms in the United States. (The number decreased slightly from 2008, statistically insignificant according to the Census Bureau because of the recession.) In 2007, the Pew Research Center reported a significant uptick …

Are Stay-At-Home Parents At Financial Risk During Divorce? Read more »

Ontario Judge Harvey Brownstone has spent much of his career overseeing ugly battles between couples in divorce courts. In 2009, he wrote a book with a surprising warning for those considering divorce: Stay out of court, if at all possible. …

Keep divorce out of court Read more »

Is joint custody the best arrangement for kids? Should infants and toddlers be shuttled between two homes? Is it important to include children in decisions about custody? These are just some of the vexing questions facing parents, attorneys, judges, mediators …

New Research Insights into Guidance about Parenting Plans Read more »

Whenever a couple gets divorced, the first question their friends and extended family wonder about is, what about the kids? We know the way parents handle things can make a huge difference. What we don't often think about is how …

Is Divorce Harder On An Only Child? Read more »

In my last blog I wrote about new research which suggests that divorce does not inevitably damage children. This is important, for it means that divorcing parents have reason to believe that they can help to ensure that their children …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Importance of Psychological Resilience Read more »

We've said before that a general presumption exists whereby intact families are always better for kids than families of divorce. There are understandable reasons for this widespread view. Divorce often accompanies a range of challenges and problems, including a drop …

The (Sometimes) Surprising Benefits of Divorce for Parent-Child Relationships Read more »

Every generation has its life-defining moments. If you want to find out what it was for a member of the Greatest Generation, you ask: "Where were you on D-Day?" For baby boomers, the questions are: "Where were you when Kennedy …

The Divorce Generation Read more »

New research hints at a silver lining for children after divorce: happier stepfamilies. Some social scientists have claimed that divorce harms children for the rest of their lives leading them to form marriages as unhappy as their parents’. But other …

Happier Marriages for Kids of Divorce? Read more »

Through the years, a great deal of attention and research has been focused on the corrosive impact divorce has upon young children. Conversely, it's often assumed that adult offspring, because they're mature and independent, are better equipped to take their …

Divorce is a huge deal even for adult kids Read more »

Summer is in full swing. School is out. Parents find themselves with the blessing of being around their children 24 hours a day. For parents who have to share parenting time with an ex, the summer can be a very …

Co-parenting Summers Read more »