One of the most challenging aspects of custody decisions is the issue of domestic violence. About 20% of divorces require judges to appoint a custody evaluator to assist in the determination of custody arrangements. There are a wide range of …

How Custody Evaluators Think about Domestic Violence Read more »

Most divorcing parents' greatest fear is the effect it will have on their children. These fears have their origin in a time when divorce was a rare event. Fifty years ago, children from divorced parents were commonly described as coming …

Does Divorce Inevitably Damage Children? Read more »

There are two kinds of parents in the world. There are those who strive to re-create for their children the blissful upbringings that they themselves once knew. And then there are the rest of us. But somewhere in the quest …

Deflating the myth of perfect parenting Read more »

What do people in business do when they're facing a crisis? They ask, "What's the best practice to follow in a situation like this? What do successful companies do? "Our society would benefit greatly if divorcing parents could be convinced …

Family Mediation: The Best Practice for Parents And Their Children When The Marriage Is Over Read more »

It seems that the battleground in custody has shifted to weekday nights. Even when the mediator points out how many additional hours one has with children on a weekend day compared to a school night, it usually does not overcome …

The Fifty Fifty Generation Read more »

Summer is in full swing. School is out. Parents find themselves with the blessing of being around their children 24 hours a day. For parents who have to share parenting time with an ex, the summer can be a very …

Co-parenting Summers Read more »

"Mama, put the phone AWAY." That's my kid talking to me, and she's only 3. She's scolding me, but she's scolding you, too. So listen up. I understand your work pays the bills and you only have time to connect …

Smartphone danger: Distracted parenting Read more »

Doing some comparative math in the weeks before Father’s Day, Matthew Weinshenker, an assistant professor of sociology at Fordham University, has calculated that the number of single-father families in the United States has jumped 27 percent in the past decade. …

With More Single Fathers, a Changing Family Picture Read more »

As an estimated 70.1 million fathers prepare to celebrate Father's Day in the U.S., recent research shows that their distinct style of parenting is particularly worth recognition: The way dads tend to interact has long-term benefits for kids, independent of …

The Secret of Dads' Success Read more »

Irresponsible electronic messaging has ensnared many politicians and celebrities, most recently U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., but more average folks are finding their "e-evidence" coming back to haunt them. Take couples duking it out over divorces or child custody. Divorce …

Social networking's instant intimacy can ruin lives, experts warn Read more »