Research published last month in Child Trends reported that happy marriages generally result in happy children. I was asked by a reader if children with any type of physical, emotional or developmental problems cause unhappy marriages. Research has focused on …

Do challenging children cause a bad marriage? Read more »

Recently a reader asked me an interesting question regarding divorcing parents. He wondered if it was harder on younger children, or on adult children. We naturally assume that it would be heartbreaking for young children, but that by the time …

Divorce hard for all ages Read more »

Like any multibillion industry, parenthood took a hit in the recession. A 2009 FindLaw study found one in five Americans are delaying "major life decisions" like getting married and having children because of the poor economy. No wonder: It costs …

Parenting Is Overrated: Why the Secret to Happier Parents Is Doing Less Read more »

Generally, there are two things that impair a person's ability to make good decisions through a divorce. The first is the emotional state of the soon-to-be-exes. Most divorcing people have periods of feeling overwhelmed by fear, anger, sadness and other …

The Divorce Dream Team Answers Common Divorce FAQs Read more »

Along with shopping for sippy cups and strollers, expectant parents may want to consider another task for their to-do list: honing their marriage skills. Numerous studies have shown that a couples' satisfaction with their marriage takes a nose dive after …

Here Comes Baby, There Goes the Marriage Read more »

You can make a difference when it comes to insulating your children from the harmful effects of unavoidable divorce. Children of divorce are most affected by ongoing conflict, absent parents, and financial shifts in lifestyle. Moreover, how the child responds …

Protecting Children in Divorce Read more »

Basic Conflict Resolution for Co-Parents It's hard enough as a married couple to keep lines of good communication open and flowing. It can seem like an insurmountable problem if you are divorced. Your old ways of nitpicking at each other, …

Basic Co-Parenting Tips Read more »

It's the off-season and we miss Don Draper, not just the eye candy but also the charming, seductive bad boy who, when last we saw him, was about to marry his secretary. So we were relieved to see his off-screen …

The Non-Married Divorce Read more »

What are some of the latest tools parents are negotiating into their mediated agreements? Just like revolutionaries who are finding innovative ways to use technology in their quest for true freedom, so too can embattled parents find Twitter, Facebook, Skype, …

The Family Social Network Read more »

Do you have children in your life? Did you even stay longer in a marriage you would have otherwise ended for the sake of the kids thinking that two parents are better than one? If you did this, did you …

Which Came First - The Children Or The Divorce? Read more »