When you decide to divorce, it's almost as if you've entered a club with a super-secret handshake ... only no one is quite certain how to do it. So we asked the divorce360.com community what they wished they had known …

Eight things no one ever tells you about divorce Read more »

As modern parents, we've absorbed the basic advice about what to do to help kids through a divorce. Bring them to therapy. Don't badmouth the other parent. Keep your dating life out of their sight until you've become serious, and …

Parent Better After Divorce: 5 Tips for the Thinking Parent Read more »

Unfolding Thursday in Concord, N.H., was yet another chapter in the sad story of a family involved in a high-conflict divorce. It is the frustrating example of two parents fighting one another for control of their child's education. And it …

Home Schooling: A Divorce Dispute Becomes a Religious Cause in N.H. Read more »

If you listened carefully over the last weekend of winter break, you would have heard the collective sighs of custodial parents in airports across the country, as their children deplane from holiday visits with out-of-state parents. Regardless of how airtight …

Custodial Disputes - When State Rights Support Stated Wrongs Read more »

The divorce is done and things are going along nicely for a while, and then it happens. Your ex doesn't tell you that when the kids were with him or her they got sick. Not just a little sick, but …

Co-Parenting: The Toughest Job in The World Read more »

When parents are separated or divorced, it is not uncommon for there to be tension and mistrust between them. In fact, tension, mistrust and even serious and bitter conflict are usually byproducts of a relationship that has deteriorated. My experience …

Work toward peace with your co-parent Read more »

Parents walk a slippery slope when their child gets divorced. Even if they couldn't find a single good thing to say about the marriage, even if they were long distance parents, they are expected to wave the family banner and …

Whose Side Are You On, Anyway? Read more »

As a therapist with over fifteen years experience, I hear a lot about divorce, particularly divorces where children are involved. While most of what I hear relates to the trauma and pain of divorcing, I have noticed a surprising sentiment …

Divorce's Dirty Little Secret Read more »

I often wonder why, when two people get divorced, yet parented together while they were married, they suddenly can't parent together anymore. Is the anger so great that one parent can't see past it or around it? Is the resentment …

How to Handle an Apathetic Co-Parent Read more »

The following is Part III of an excerpt from "Reconcilable Differences: Marriages End, Families Don't" Parts One and Two can be found here. When ex-spouses decide to share a house, it takes a few months to establish new routines. Joe …

Reconcilable Differences: Part Three Read more »