(Mediate Michigan doesn't agree with all the information in this article however the article provides a good overview.  Please note: specifics in the law vary from state to state.) Anyone going through or contemplating a divorce has basic questions in …

15 top questions for a divorce lawyer Read more »

To keep texting under control, parents need to set limits. “Parents have to be role models for their kids with their own use of cell phones and technology and set clear boundaries,” Knorr said. “Parents need to teach kids how …

A parent’s guide to living with a texting teen Read more »

Want to raise a compassionate, moral child? Get Neolithic say researchers at the University of Notre Dame The child rearing practices in hunter-gatherer societies result in children with better mental health, greater empathy and conscience development, and higher intelligence in …

Old ways best in childrearing Read more »

Montreal University researchers have said that harsh parenting can affect the emotional development of a child, possibly leading to anxiety disorders such as social phobia, separation anxiety and panic attacks. "Several studies have shown that coercive parenting practices are linked …

Harsh parenting harms kids emotionally Read more »

(An interesting perspective from a Judge in the UK) Intelligent parents often use their children as "ammunition" and a "battlefield" to carry on their disputes in a legal war after separation, England's most senior family court judge says. Nicholas Wall, …

Intelligent parents turn divorce nasty- judge Read more »

(This article focuses on Australian law but points out the worldwide trend) Good divorce. These two words, which, in decades past, would have formed the definitive oxymoron, appear to have acquired different connotations. Anecdotal evidence suggests a growing number of …

The happy divorce Read more »

ANY type of separation or relationship problem will naturally put a massive amount of stress and pressure on any family and will incur mixed emotions for all involved. For parents it is very difficult to try to balance what is …

Handle the split with patience, time and love Read more »

Franco Margarita wants his six-year-old son to play outdoor sports. His ex-wife, he says, would rather let their boy play on the Wii. While they were still married, Mr. Margarita urged his wife to be firm when their son threw …

Disagreements over childrearing are growing cause of divorce Read more »

Divorce is an end to marriage -- but not an end to parenting for couples who have had kids together. For them, divorce is the beginning of a new, lengthy relationship that can either be full of tension or cooperation. …

Better Parenting After Divorce Read more »

Parties in legal matters ranging from divorce and child custody to business contracts are increasingly opting for alternative dispute resolution to settle their differences. Proponents of this model note that conflicts can be settled more quickly and amicably — especially …

Attitude Adjustment Why Alternative Dispute Resolution Is Growing in Popularity Read more »