Relationship breakdown affects many Australian families. About 40 per cent of marriages end in divorce and the rate of de facto relationship breakdown is higher. The family law system has a more direct and personal impact on our lives than …

Shared Parenting Laws Need To Be Reviewed Read more »

When Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren had their divorce approved, few would have been shocked if their children were taken away from Woods. But he's not exactly the normal dad who goes in front of family court. For years, fathers …

Good Question: Are Child Custody Cases Fair? Read more »

Parenting plans are becoming more and more recognized as the way for both parents to coordinate their parenting, their lives and their relationship with their children after divorce. In its simplest form a parenting plan puts in writing the agreed …

Parenting Plans: The Guide Through Divorce And Children Read more »

The recent case out of New York where, according to Fox News, the Judge allowed a mother to move with her child from New York to Florida, but court-ordered access by the father through Skype, sheds light on the challenges …

Parenting Over The Miles -- Ten Ways to Bond With Your Child From a Distance Read more »

“I can go to a courtroom 10 different times and see 10 different judges,” my clients often complain. “Each one of them is new to the facts and circumstances of my case. Each one has very little time to hear …

Parent coordinators – better than the courts and less costly, too Read more »

CBS News' The Early Show and will launch the new multiplatform parenting series on Wednesday, 8/18 (7:00-9:00 AM, ET/PT). A weekly webcast will debut the same day on Sponsored by Microsoft, the on-air and online series will cover …

"The Early Show" launches "Eye on Parenting" series Read more »

Skype, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, whiteboard, Flickr, e-mail, texting, instant messaging – these are only a few of the ways that people stay in touch via the internet. It seems like the telephone has become old-fashioned and outdated. In long …

Internet Parenting -- Skype Style Read more »

Japan has decided to become a party to a global treaty on child custody as early as next year amid growing calls abroad for the country to join it to help resolve custody problems resulting from failed international marriages, government …

Japan to join Hague convention on child custody Read more »

Once upon a time, a mommy blogger was married to a daddy blogger, and they had two babies. The mommy gave advice to other parents at The Daddy lost his job and blogged about being a stay-at-home father at …

Joint Custody — of the Kids and the Blog Read more »

From Larry Herren The Detroit News MichDads Blog: One of the things I enjoy most about providing parent education is the new and exciting information I learn in the process. Such was the case a couple weeks ago when I …

Michigan's parenting time statute a powerful tool Read more »