Some parents are afraid that their child won't change no matter what they do. Many find themselves reacting automatically when their child behaves inappropriately; as soon as he acts out, they’re yelling and screaming, or getting sucked into power struggles. …

7 Ways to Start Parenting More Effectively Read more »

One thing I have learned in my eighteen years as a parent is you never want to hear you’re a “Helicopter Mom”. I heard this term for the first time a few days ago and instantly thought to myself, “OMG, …

Sure Signs You're A Helicopter Mom Read more »

Facebook is great! We love it! We use it! But is Facebook your child’s “friend”? We adults have found the answer to keeping in touch with old and new friends without too much effort. We can brag about our kids, …

Is Your Child on Facebook? What You Need to Know! Read more »

After what seems like hundreds of Not Quite Mr. Right's, you have met a great guy. He is compassionate, and kind. He is understanding of the fact that you are a mom, and respects your time with your child. He …

Is Your Child Safe with Your New Flame? Read more »

n this record breaking hot summer, a number of children have been dying due to adults “forgetting” about them in the car. As we are parents of older children the youngest being 9 we had to think back to those …

Ever Forget Your Baby in the Car? Read more »

Do child custody evaluators' beliefs about domestic violence sometimes put divorced women and children in danger? A new University of Illinois study reveals that evaluator's beliefs generally fall into two categories, and one group is far more likely to prioritize …

One-size-fits-all approach to child custody can endanger moms and kids Read more »

When John Jarvis visits his 13-year-old daughter, he stays in the guest room of his ex-wife's house. Bob Murphy of Chandler offered his ex-wife a key to his house when they divorced earlier this year after 26 years of marriage. …

For more couples, divorce can be on friendly terms Read more »

Oh dear. The New York Times promised in a headline to show us how elusive the American Dream is for this generation of college graduates. Instead, we see a portrait — a cautionary tale, really — of how kids who …

American Dream Lost or Parenting Failure Read more »

From the perspective of the species, it’s perfectly unmysterious why people have children. From the perspective of the individual, however, it’s more of a mystery than one might think. Most people assume that having children will make them happier. Yet …

Why Parents Hate Parenting Read more »

Whether you agree with your child's decision or not, more children are "coming out" younger than ever before. There's no reason to believe more children are gay, lesbian or bisexual. According to family therapists like Rebecca Harvey, author of "Nurturing …

Parenting Gay and Lesbian Teens Read more »