In just a few weeks, 20 million students will go to college, more than 3 million of them for the first time. Here are our top 10 tips for parents of off-to-college students: 1. Web-surf the college. Go to the …

10 Things Every Parent Should Do to Help Their College-Bound Kid Read more »

If you feel that you are more parent than spouse and that the connubial part of your life is almost nonexistent, you're certainly not alone. In the year 2010 many couples are feeling the combined stresses of parenting and married …

Being a Parent Versus Being a Spouse Read more »

If the kids become too much to handle, slip 'em a little cold medicine. It's an often-repeated joke -- or advice -- that parents share on the playground or on Twitter and Facebook pages. One mom, Jill Smokler, said she …

Drugging kids for parents' relief called abusive Read more »

An estimated 15 to 20 percent of divorced moms and dads share the parenting of their children in the U.S., according to statistics from the Washington, D.C.-based American Coalition for Fathers & Children, a nonprofit organization that supports shared parenting. …

Divorced parents sharing custody of kids Read more »

After a divorce, usually one parent has primary physical custody. This means that the noncustodial parent often must put forth considerable effort to establish or maintain a close relationship with their child. It’s even more difficult if the co-parents live …

Parenting, from a distance Read more »

Many years ago, when I was a resident in pediatrics, an adolescent patient asked me if I had ever smoked pot. It wasn’t a friendly question, more an oh-yeah-says-you response to my own inquiries, warning me off. No patient has …

18 and Under - Q. Did You Ever Smoke Pot? A. It’s Complicated. Read more »

For years, mental health professionals were trained to see children as mere products of their environment who were intrinsically good until influenced otherwise; where there is chronic bad behavior, there must be a bad parent behind it. But while I …

Mind - Accepting That Good Parents May Plant Bad Seeds Read more »

Ask Brian, a Fort Lauderdale surgeon, about his pending divorce and his voice will rise as he describes how his wife decimated his life and how he has fought to keep his kids close by. The battle, after 11 years …

Trying to turn divorce into a less destructive affair Read more »

Harry and Barbara Cooper are telling everyone how their marriage has lasted seven decades. On the day of their 72nd wedding anniversary, they leaned toward each other, hands tenderly clasped, as they peered into the camera. 'It's a give-and-take situation," …

The secrets of a 72-year marriage from the 'Original Grandparents' Read more »

Raising kids and a family can be a handful for parents. It can be especially overwhelming when also caring for an elderly loved one as many families discover that providing care for aging relatives can be challenging. In this week’s …

Parenting And Elder Care Can Be A Tough Balancing Act Read more »