The Michigan Court of Appeals this week reversed a lower court decision that could have given gays, lesbians and unmarried heterosexuals in Michigan legal standing to obtain joint custody of children. The decision came in the case involving Renee Harmon …

Appeals court says Grosse Ile woman can't seek joint custody of kids she helped raise Read more »

Many men across the country -- across the globe, really -- are fighting what they argue is a bias in child custody cases toward women. One of the latest battlegrounds for this conflict is Massachusetts where activists are pushing a …

Massachusetts Fathers Fighting Custody Injustice or a Phantom Menace? Read more »

When we married in 2001, my husband and I thought about having children someday. It was very important to us, though, that we first be financially stable enough to support them and give them plenty of parenting time. We were …

By freezing embryos, couples try to utilize fertility while delaying parenthood Read more »

It’s estimated that nearly one million divorces take place each year in this country. It’s further estimated that somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of these divorces continue into high-conflict relationships. That means that hundreds of thousands of children each …

Shield your kids from toxicity of a high-conflict divorce Read more »

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James are doing it, and so are Elizabeth and John Edwards. These celebrity couples are raising their children together, even though their own relationships are on the rocks. So can people raise kids together after a …

Terry Real on Relationships: How to Co-Parent Your Kids When You're Divorced or Separated Read more »

In marriages with a lot of conflict, "staying together for the kids" might do more harm than good, a new study suggests. Children of parents who fight a lot yet stay married experience more conflict in their own adult relationships …

Divorce Not Always Bad for Kids Read more »

Sending our kids out into the world -- and into other people's homes -- can be a tricky proposition. If they're reasonably well behaved, it makes us, their parents, look good. But if they boss their buddy around and terrorize …

Raise a Kid Who Gets Invited Back Read more »

Most of us have genes that make us as hardy as dandelions: able to take root and survive almost anywhere. A few of us, however, are more like the orchid: fragile and fickle, but capable of blooming spectacularly if given …

The Science of Success Read more »

AS far back as “Father Knows Best,” television has been an unintentional teaching aid for parents. To watch Mike and Carol Brady labor tirelessly to boost Jan’s wobbly self-esteem, or Cliff and Clair Huxtable corral Denise’s rebellious impulses with affection …

Becoming the Alpha Dog in Your Own Home Read more »

Psychologist William J. Doherty at the University of Minnesota has taken a hard look at the pressures facing parents in our affluent consumer culture, and the results aren’t pretty. In his book, “Take Back Your Kids,” he highlights examples of …

Too many children are being spoiled, pampered Read more »