When my youngest was four years old, she became very possessive about her toys. She is eight now, and sharing is no longer a major issue. But every day I get calls from frustrated, confused and embarrassed mothers asking me …

Sharing: 14 Ways to Get Your Child to Play Fair Read more »

As a divorced parent you can never pay too much attention to your communication skills with your children. It keeps the doors open to a healthier, more positive relationship with them. It makes you more sensitive to issues of concern …

Divorce: How To Communicate With Your Kids Read more »

Divorce and separation are stressful enough for the adults involved. Just imagine what they must be like for your children. If signs and events have led up to the decision to end an adult relationship, few children will make the …

How to parent successfully from two homes Read more »

Half of all U.S. children won't live with their father for part of their childhood. But just because "non-resident" dads don't live with their kids doesn't mean they're not involved with them. "There are fathers that are very involved. There …

Dads who don't live with their kids find ways to be involved Read more »

This is just another travesty of justice perpetrated by a shark divorce lawyer who saw the opportunity to get an advantage over the "adversary" instead of trying to help a young couple set up a fair parenting plan that took …

Beware of Adversarial Divorce Lawyers: One Woman's Story Read more »

Who is more important to you — your spouse or your children? Ask most parents whom they would save from a burning building, and odds are they would say their children. Similarly, many would argue that in a fast-paced, overstuffed …

Priorities: Children or Spouse? Read more »

(An interesting Op-Ed by a Father on pending child custody legislation in Canada) Tomorrow, June 16, is a day that has come far too quickly: my daughter Zara's first birthday. It is a time to pause and reflect on the …

Sometimes unequal works Read more »

Mikael Karlsson owns a snowmobile, two hunting dogs and five guns. In his spare time, this soldier-turned-game warden shoots moose and trades potty-training tips with other fathers. Cradling 2-month-old Siri in his arms, he can’t imagine not taking baby leave. …

In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All Read more »

Parents rarely get it all right the first time. We make mistakes: We’re anxious. We’re impatient. We’re overeager. And, usually, it’s the oldest child who pays the biggest price for our flaws. Subsequent children are like a do-over – they …

Are you a 'helicopter' parent? Read more »

Much of the concern about cellphones and instant messaging and Twitter has been focused on how children who incessantly use the technology are affected by it. But parents’ use of such technology — and its effect on their offspring — …

The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In Read more »