Here are some tips for handling this sticky situation. Stephanie Burchell, Ph.D., is a licensed marriage and family therapist from Dallas Dr. Michelle New is a clinical child psychologist and founder of Kentlands Kids, a private practice in Gaithersburg, Md. …

Coping with it: So your child wants to move in with your ex ... Read more »

Parents can play an important role in preventing their children from becoming bullies, says new research. "Improving parent-child communication and parental involvement with their children could have a substantial impact on child bullying," said Rashmi Shetgiri, study co-author. Shetgiri, paediatrician …

Parental involvement key to preventing bullying Read more »

According to the Director of the Parenting and Family Support Centre at UQ, Professor Matt Sanders, if you've got kids, you can expect them to be disobedient at some stage - there's no such thing as a child who doesn't …

Managing disobedience Read more »

All seven judges on the New York State Court of Appeals ruled today (May 4) that a non-biological mother, represented by Lambda Legal, is a legal parent and entitled to seek custody and visitation based on a Vermont civil union …

Non-biological mother is a legal parent, N.Y. high court rules Read more »

Three years ago, my wife and I fled what we had hoped would be the idealistic suburban life. The idyll, however, was far from what we had hoped for. How did we fall into the trap? Four months after getting …

Why One Dad Embraced A Reversal Of Gender Roles Read more »

There was a time, not so many years ago, when women mulling their hopes for a career and a family faced a stark choice. The rule was select one or the other but don't try to have both and certainly …

There's No Right Way To Be A Mom Read more »

For years, protective mothers have complained about a broken custody court system giving custody to abusive fathers. A new book based on multi-disciplinary research has confirmed that common mistakes in the custody courts have resulted in thousands of children being …

National Organization for Women-New York State Lauds New Book that Confirms Crisis in Custody Courts Read more »

A number of states and agencies are loathed to allow gay and lesbian parents to adopt or even grant custody after a divorce to the parent in a same-gender relationship. Unfortunately, this bigotry is not founded on any kind of …

Same sex couples just as qualified parents, studies say Read more »

Katie Allison Granju wrote a book, some say the book, about attachment parenting. She writes a popular blog,, about the ups and downs of her blended family of four children, who range in age from 3 to 18, with …

An Addicted Child Read more »

WITH divorce at an all-time high, the number of single parents is rocketing, bringing a plethora of problems unique to one-parent households (widowed parents face many of the same issues). These are on top of all the normal parenting pressures. …

Cynthia MacGregor on single-parenting Read more »