Children's perspective on divorce is often rarely addressed, especially in the media.  A two-part series on Children of Divorce which focuses on one family's journey can be found here Part 1 & Part 2. The article quotes Marriage and family …

Children Of Divorce Read more »

An excellent article on effective co-parenting can be found here. The article features several families that have been able to see beyond their differences and the past to focus on the future and their children's well-being.  Learning to do this …

Getting along with your ex: Children are hurt when divorced parents duel Read more »

Putting your past behind you and putting your children first is generally the best way to go into negotiations over child custody and parenting time.  A very good overview of how the court system handles custody proceedings can be found …

In Divorce: Welfare of minor children is important Read more »

Parents have more control over how a divorce will impact their children than they often realize.  An interesting article by a British psychotherapist Jane Cassidy can be found here.  She discusses her experience in dealing with children of divorce and finds …

Divorce doesn’t have to be a disaster Read more »

Children often feel at fault when their parents divorce.  A good article on how you can help your child cope with divorce can be found here.  The article contains rules for "fighting fair" during a divorce and how to look …

Helping your child cope with divorce Read more »

Divorce, which reaches its annual peak this week, should not be treated as a purely legal matter, especially when children are involved. A very interesting commentary comparing the UK, Australian and Florida court approaches to divorces involving children can be …

Making a clean break Read more »

The holidays can be stressful.  It's no wonder that January is peak season for divorce filings.  An excellent article on tips to consider when contemplating divorce can be found here.  The Ten Tips are: 1.  Face the Facts 2.  Get a …

How can I get a good divorce? Read more »

Co-parenting a child is no small feat when a couple is together, let alone when they are not.  An excellent article on co-parenting can be found here.  The author, Brette Sember is a former family law attorney and mediator and …

Co-Parenting: How to Be a Parenting Team When You're No Longer a Couple Read more »

An article about how the state of West Virginia has incorporated mediation into its dispute resolution process can be found here.

The holidays can be especially difficult for separated/divorced parents and children.  Here are some tips excerpted from an article that can be found here. The greatest gift you can give your children at Christmas is peaceful relations with their other …

Holiday Survival Guide for Separated/Divorced Parents Read more »