Unmarried, cohabiting parents may be putting their kids at risk for a host of personal problems-- at least according to a new report from the University of Virgina's National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values. But are the …

National Marriage Project: 'Why Marriage Matters' Study Says Cohabiting Parents Do Kids Harm Read more »

Include this life line in your divorce settlement. On June 29-30, 2011, President Bill Clinton brought together over 750 CEOs, NGOs, Nobel Prize winners and young entrepreneurs to figure out how to put America back to work. Why? There are …

Education Pays Read more »

When I look back over my divorce period, I remember the times, tears and triumphs -- and the people who moved me toward and away from each. Whether your divorce winds you through hell or feels like heaven once it's …

The Five People You Meet During Your Divorce Read more »

A bitter, divorced Pennsylvania man's blog has triggered a free-speech debate, officials say. Doylestown resident Anthony Morelli created his blog, ThePsychoExWife.com, in 2007 as a way to blow off steam about his ex-wife, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Sunday. But then …

Man's divorce blog starts free speech dispute Read more »

When a child is frustrated, there are only two possible outcomes. In the first, his hurt or disappointment will express itself as anger and aggression. This may manifest as slamming doors when he doesn't get his way, defying you when …

Divorce And Kids: Dealing With Serious Anger Issues Read more »

As researchers (and virtually all parents) have long known, children show definite sex differences when it comes to behavior such as play and risk-taking. So-called tomboys are the exception that proves the rule: boys have a clear preference for rough-and-tumble …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Myth of the Tough Boy Read more »

As gay couples in New York gear up for the first full weekend during which they're eligible to tie the knot, someone they hope they'll never run into has a few words of caution: be careful. That someone is the …

Alas, Gay Marriage Will Yield Gay Divorce. Prenups Are in Order Read more »

Even as the LGBT community around the country celebrated this weekend with same-sex couples who were able to legally marry in New York state for the first time, and even though six states plus the District of Columbia now legally …

FAMILY LIFE: Crossing your T’s and dotting your legal I’s Read more »

When two people pledge themselves to a committed relationship, whether the “I do’s” are legally recognized or not, they intend the relationship to last ’til death do them part. That’s the romantic side of things. But the fact is, cold, …

FAMILY LIFE: Planning for the worst Read more »

The Michigan Supreme Court has declined to review a case that could have given gays, lesbians and unmarried heterosexual couples in Michigan legal standing to obtain joint custody of their children. via Court won't take up child custody | Detroit …

Court won't take up child custody Read more »