The recent case out of New York where, according to Fox News, the Judge allowed a mother to move with her child from New York to Florida, but court-ordered access by the father through Skype, sheds light on the challenges …

Parenting Over The Miles -- Ten Ways to Bond With Your Child From a Distance Read more »

“I can go to a courtroom 10 different times and see 10 different judges,” my clients often complain. “Each one of them is new to the facts and circumstances of my case. Each one has very little time to hear …

Parent coordinators – better than the courts and less costly, too Read more »

Skype, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, whiteboard, Flickr, e-mail, texting, instant messaging – these are only a few of the ways that people stay in touch via the internet. It seems like the telephone has become old-fashioned and outdated. In long …

Internet Parenting -- Skype Style Read more »

Japan has decided to become a party to a global treaty on child custody as early as next year amid growing calls abroad for the country to join it to help resolve custody problems resulting from failed international marriages, government …

Japan to join Hague convention on child custody Read more »

From Larry Herren The Detroit News MichDads Blog: One of the things I enjoy most about providing parent education is the new and exciting information I learn in the process. Such was the case a couple weeks ago when I …

Michigan's parenting time statute a powerful tool Read more »

You may have seen the recent media reports that singer Melissa Ethridge and her partner of five years, Tammy Lynn, are splitting up. The California couple had two children together. California law recognizes same-sex couples and allows for dissolution of …

Gays using anti-gay law Read more »

Advances in reproductive technology that were the stuff of science fiction just a few decades ago are wreaking havoc on a corner of the Social Security system—survivor benefits for some children whose parents have died. Every year, more babies are …

In Vitro Sparks Fight Over Survivor Benefits Read more »

Gina Kaysen Fernandes: A two-year-old girl at the center of a contentious custody battle involving the states of California and Ohio will stay with the only mother she has ever known, at least for now. A California Appeals Court has …

The Battle for Vanessa: A Mom's Custody Crusade Read more »

There is an alternative to going to court when individuals or businesses are in conflict. Mediation can be not only less expensive and divisive than traditional lawsuits, but also carry the weight of a court ruling. Two attorneys in Sitka …

Mediation offers resolutions (and solutions) without court Read more »

School will soon be out and divorced or separated parents must make plans for their children's summer visitation. While some of this is determined by the parenting plan - every decree is different. Most will outline the visitation length, child …

Guidelines for divorced, separated parents to consider for children’s summer visitation Read more »