It's easy to get so caught up in the battles of divorce and the hassles of custody that you forget that your child has certain inalienable rights. A child of divorce, especially, needs to have his or her rights honored …

A Divorced Child's Bill of Rights Read more »

As New Years approaches, you say you want a resolution? How about resolving to be a better co-parent in 2012?Here are 3 tips that might help you accomplish just this. 1. Lighten up on judgments of your co-parent. Face the …

3 Tips for Being a Better Co-parent in 2012 Read more »

All too often when I was representing children or parents in divorce court, I heard parents refer to scheduled parenting time as "my time." For example, a parent once complained to me that taking a child to dance class took …

The Divorce Organizer: Three tips to help ex-spouses understand visitation Read more »

In my first blog in this series I described research which shows that divorce is not inevitably damaging to children. Indeed, ongoing research continues to support the contention that, overall, children from divorced families are not significantly worse off, psychologically, …

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D.: Helping Children Survive Divorce: Talking to Children About Divorce Read more »

"Daddy lets me eat in my room if I want to." "I don't have a curfew when I'm at Mom's house." "Mom doesn't make me clear my dinner plate!" "Dad says it won't hurt me to eat donuts for breakfast." …

Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D.: How Can Children Survive Divorce When Parents Play The 'Limits Game'? Read more »

Now that the school year is in full swing, you as a parent have a lot to do. This is not news. The beginning of the school year is a challenging time for anyone. Even celebrities have spoken about challenging …

Now That School Has Started... Read more »

Have you ever stopped yourself just as you were about to open your mouth knowing your children were in earshot? Have you ever noticed that when you are behaving your worst your children somehow miraculously appear and see it all? …

Do Our Children Do As We Say, Or Do As We Do? Read more »

At a recent conference, therapists and attorneys expressed their concern about what is happening between parents going through divorce. There appears to be an increase in violence, viciousness, putting children in the middle and sadly, not letting go of the …

7 Tips to Promote a Sane and Child Focused Divorce Read more »

Co-parenting plans need to grow along with the children for whom they're intended. If your kids have outgrown their plan and communication with your ex is in tatters, then pay attention. If you're losing your moorings and having trouble being …

Nipping Conflict in the Bud - When your kids outgrow your parenting plan Read more »

"Greg" knew he was in for it when he saw Susan standing at the front door, glaring at him. It was wishful thinking to believe he would come home to peace and quiet. The disagreements between Susan and his daughter, …

What Divorced Parents Can Learn From Their Children Read more »