Parenting is generally evolving as gender-neutral, but the "Tender Years" assumption -- the consensus that infants should be treated differently than older children in custody disputes -- lingers, even when all other factors are equal in a separation or divorce. …

Tara Fass: Five Tips For Co-parenting In A New World Read more »

Parents who fight over child custody and access bring out the worst in themselves and often poison their children along the way. Divorce lawyers who are stuck in the middle of high conflict family disputes often remind their clients that …

Do Custody Wars Poison Children? Read more »

The recession has hit all of us where it hurts the most -- in our wallets. If you're looking for ways to save money, don't forget to look to your co-parenting agreement for ways to make some cuts. Reduce Legal …

Recession Co-Parenting Read more »

Divorce is a word more and more children are hearing and having to cope with in society today. Today, one in two marriages ends in divorce, and many of these marriages involve children, according to the American Academy of Child …

How to Ease the Pain: Divorce and Its Impact on Children Read more »

Recent research on the impact of divorce of children can be very instructive for those parents who are ready and willing to do what they can to help their children weather this crisis. Early research on the effects of divorce …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: Three Critical Factors Read more »

What can you do when your former spouse is not paying court-ordered support? Congressman Joe Walsh is only the latest in a long line of public figures who stand accused of failing to pay child support, racking up large sums …

My Ex Isn't Paying Child Support - How Can I Get it From His 401k? Read more »

Question: How old do children need to be before they don't have to go see the other parent if they don't want to? My kids are telling me they don't want to go see their dad and now that they're …

Ex-etiquette: What to do when kids don't want to see other parent Read more »

As we approach another fall, we have the beginning of school. Sadly, in my divorce practice, instead of "school days, school days, good old golden rule days", to quote a song from many, many years ago, the phrase that keeps …

School Wars Read more »

In an earlier blog I addressed a common myth about boys: that they are innately "tougher" than girls, both physically and emotionally. This myth can be dangerous because it can lead divorcing parents to believe that their sons will be …

Helping Children Survive Divorce: The Myth of the Mature Teen Read more »

It's that time of year again, back to school. Like most families, we get ready for a new school year purchasing school supplies, shopping for school clothes, and getting in that last trip to the beach or pool so we …

Mom's House, Dad's House -- When Going Back and Forth Doesn't Work for Going Back to School Read more »