Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question to view it’s answer.  Can’t find what you’re looking for?  Submit your question using the form found at the bottom of this FAQ. The information below is for informational purposes only and is not meant as legal advice please refer to our website disclaimer for more information.


Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Elder Mediation

Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Parenting Time

Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

Be the first person to like this faq.

For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Legal Decision-making

Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

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Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

Be the first person to like this faq.

For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Divorce Coaching

Elder Mediation provides a forum for family decision-making regarding any issues that involve elders including but not limited to housing/living arrangements, care giving, long-term care, healthcare planning, guardianship, financial management and estate planning. It is a private, confidential and completely voluntary process.

Jane Tate   December 29, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

Divorce is a legal term for dissolution of a valid marriage by the Court.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

Be the first person to like this faq.

A divorce coach is an accessible thinking partner who helps a party focus and develop their vision of what needs to happen during the divorce process.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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In general, mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates a voluntary negotiation process between parties to assist them in managing their conflict and resolving their disputes. There are several types of mediation. At Peace Solutions we practice facilitative mediation. In this process the mediator directs the process and the parties control the outcome. The mediator will not make any decisions for the parties or any recommendations as to the outcome of the case.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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No. You can settle your case before even filing anything with the court and in some instances you may avoid court altogether.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Currently our hourly rate is $195.00 per hour. Rates may vary depending on the service provided as noted in our <a href="http://peacesolutionsaz.com/services-menu/">Services Menu</a>. Flat rates may also be available for certain services. This hourly rate applies for work done both in and outside of mediation sessions including but not limited to initial consultations, document drafting and document review.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Fees for mediation services are due and payable at the end of each session. Each person is generally responsible for an equal share of the fee due (ie. If the session was 1 hour at $195.00 the total fee would be $195.00. If there are two people involved then each person would be responsible for $97.50). Parties should be prepared to pay for each session when they arrive for mediation.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation sessions are generally 1-1/2 to 4 hours in length.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Mediation is done on a session-by-session basis and is wholly voluntary. Each participant in the mediation has the right to end the process at any time.

In a Divorce the number of sessions depends on many factors including where you and your spouse are at in the process emotionally, the extent of property and financial issues and whether custody and parenting time are issues. If you are getting along well it is possible that you may be able to resolve your outstanding issues in one or two sessions.

In Elder Mediation cases we strive to complete the mediation in one session if at all possible.

For other disputes the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of the dispute and the willingness of the parties to negotiate.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Before scheduling a mediation session both parties will need to schedule an intake session. Each intake session will take approximately 30 minutes. After the intake sessions are complete the mediator will make a determination as to whether mediation is appropriate in your situation.

To schedule an appointment you may call us at (602) 888-3893, click the "Call Me" buttons that appear on this website, scan the QR code below with your cell phone or you may schedule your appointment online by clicking on the Book an Appointment link on the top of any page.

All hours are by appointment only.


Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Paternity is a legal term used for the process of determining the Father of a child born outside of a marriage.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Child Support is payment made by one or both parents to support their minor children during or after a divorce or if the parents are unmarried and paternity has been established. Child Support is calculated using a formula developed by the Courts that takes into account the incomes of both parents and the needs of the children.

For further information see: Child Support, Child Support Guidelines Basics, Child Support Calculator

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Spousal Maintenance is another term for Alimony. Spousal Maintenance is money paid by one spouse to the other for the support of the recipient. Unlike Child Support, there is no uniform state formula to calculate Spousal Maintenance.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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When determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded the Court will consider the following factors:

The length of the marriage
The age and earning ability of the requesting party
The ability of the other spouse to pay
The standard of living of the parties during the marriage
What the party who is asking for the maintenance contributed to the marriage

For further reference see Spousal Maintenance

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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There is no state-wide formula for calculating spousal support as there is for child support and not every divorce case involves spousal maintenance.  The amount of a spousal maintenance payments is determined by what the judge considers to be a reasonable deduction from the monthly income of the paying spouse and a reasonable monthly payment to the receiving spouse.

Jane Tate   November 19, 2014  

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Here's a short video explaining how to join an ODR mediation session using our Zoom Video Conferencing software: Join A Meeting

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

Be the first person to like this faq.

For our purposes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) refers to the use of video conferencing technology to create a virtual mediation space to facilitate the resolution of disputes between parties.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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Almost any type of dispute can be mediated using ODR.

Some examples of disputes which may be mediated using ODR are:

Pre-nuptial Agreements
Marital Disputes
Ante-nuptial Agreements
Co-habitation Agreements
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Support
Property Division
Elder Care/Family Decision-making
Adult Guardianship
Small Claims
Business Disputes
Disputes between members of a group (band, association, club, etc.)

Keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. Just because your type of dispute doesn't appear on the list does not mean it cannot be mediated. Also keep in mind that mediation can be used to avoid disputes in the first place. Consider using preventative mediation when entering into legal agreements.

Jane Tate   March 10, 2020  

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