There is an alternative to going to court when individuals or businesses are in conflict. Mediation can be not only less expensive and divisive than traditional lawsuits, but also carry the weight of a court ruling. Two attorneys in Sitka …

Mediation offers resolutions (and solutions) without court Read more »

Elder abuse has not received adequate media exposure, funding from various levels of government, or recognition by the public. Within an institution, staff members are usually the guilty parties; outside, family members are often involved. The U.S. Census Bureau projects …

Senior Power:... awareness, prevention, and confrontation Read more »

Nearly 25 percent of all U.S. households are providing care for an elderly person. Summer is a great time for families to bond with grandparents during vacation. If you're bringing them along, here's a little advice on how to make …

Keep elderly loved ones safe during travel Read more »

If you are looking for help caring for an older family member, you might try giving your banker a call. That might not seem like an obvious move. But private banks and trust companies say that they increasingly are helping …

Family Value: When Bankers Tackle Elder Care Read more »

In addition to all the other stuff, getting divorced is a major financial transaction. As such, it can have serious tax implications, including some pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. This is especially true when it comes to splitting up tax-favored …

Divorce and Your Retirement Accounts Read more »

Couples divorce every day. Yet it is particularly surprising when a marriage of more than 30 years ends. Take the recent announcement of Al and Tipper Gore's split. As the news spread, we felt a collective sense of sadness. What …


Going on a date after years of marriage can be a lot of things: terrifying, exhilarating, humbling, a blast. One thing it won't be: Simple. That's why noted psychologists Sam Buser and Glenn Sternes have set out to provide a …

Dating after the divorce Read more »

The Japanese are always ahead of the curve. They’re at the cutting edge of technology and fashion (Harujuku Girls for better and Sony 3D TVs for worse). Their most recent invention – and dare I say, innovation? The divorce ceremony. …

You're Uninvited! Divorce Ceremonies Trendy in Japan Read more »

The marriage education movement has already spawned a cottage industry of trademarked seminars and self-help manuals. It has popped up, in varying forms, at community centers and churches across the nation. And it has successfully persuaded leaders of the federal …

The Marriage Myth: Why do so many couples divorce? Maybe they just don't know how to be married. Read more »

Most of us have genes that make us as hardy as dandelions: able to take root and survive almost anywhere. A few of us, however, are more like the orchid: fragile and fickle, but capable of blooming spectacularly if given …

The Science of Success Read more »