Before the explosion of social media, Ken Altshuler, a divorce lawyer in Maine, dug up dirt on his clien's spouses the old-fashioned way: with private investigators and subpoenas. Now the first place his team checks for evidence is Facebook. Consider …

Divorce attorneys catching cheaters on Facebook Read more »

Marriage is an exciting time for a couple, however, once the honeymoon is over, it’s time to sit down and get serious about your finances. After walking down the aisle, Better Business Bureau advises newlyweds to take control of their …

BBB offers money management advice for newlyweds Read more »

A new book has once again enlivened debate over marriage and marital life. A 30-year study on divorce in the US, by E. Mavis Hetherington, identifies five types of marriages, says the book entitled “For Better (For Worse): The Science …

What makes a healthy, happy marriage? Read more »

Trust is risky business. It involves the risk that the trusted person will pull through for us by safeguarding whatever it is we have put into their possession. Some trust involves relatively minor issues that are pretty straightforward. You take …

Should you trust them? Ten questions to ask Read more »

We’ve all heard the statistic that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, but recent data on marriage and divorce rates show that isn’t true. Divorce rates have actually declined since peaking in the 1970s, and 10-year divorce rates have …

Sizing Up Divorce Risk Read more »

I know you've probably had a tough time, but you're a parent, and your child's wellbeing comes first. If you weren't in charge of your life before you became a single parent, now is the time to take charge and …

How to be a happier and more successful single parent Read more »

(A mediator can assist you in fashioning a prenuptial agreement) You're young, you're in love, you trust each other. No need for a prenuptial agreement before you tie the knot, right? Not so fast, you with the rose-colored glasses. As …

Wedding season mantra: ’Til prenup do us part - Personal finance- Read more »

Caring for a sick or disabled elderly relative exacts a toll -- physical, emotional, financial -- on any family member, but being a spousal caregiver brings particular challenges. "Spouses are older and dealing with their own age-related health limitations," says …

Spouses Face Hurdles When Caring For Themselves, Ill Loved Ones Read more »

School will soon be out and divorced or separated parents must make plans for their children's summer visitation. While some of this is determined by the parenting plan - every decree is different. Most will outline the visitation length, child …

Guidelines for divorced, separated parents to consider for children’s summer visitation Read more »

(This is an interesting and in-depth article about guardianship law in TX) The gray-haired woman drifts in and out of reality. One moment, her mind seems sharp. “Isn’t that a perfect tree?” she says, rolling in her wheelchair through the …

Rethinking Guardianship Read more »